Like the prophet of old,
the Jeremiah class has been given an assignment
from the Sovereign of the universe.
God’s anointed servants are thus duly authorized
to make pronouncements worldwide
against nations and kingdoms. Invested
with authority from the Most High God
and using the clear language of his inspired
Word, the Jeremiah class declares that the
nations and kingdoms of today will be uprooted
and destroyed at God’s due time and
by his chosen means. (Jer. 18:7-10; Re
What a
source of joy it is that the anointed remnant
are standing immovable, like “an iron pillar”
and “a fortified city”!
Is our heart not uplifted by the modesty shown by by the governing slave with the magnificent body and the rippling muscles on his iron pillar? Why the nations must be quaking in their boots at the pronouncements made under the authority invested by the sovereighn of the universe.
My very being is swelling with emotion!